Geoparks are considered like the “new territories of the XXI century” and are developed, all around the world, under the auspices of UNESCO (UNESCO-Geopark Initiative 2001)
A Geopark is a territory which includes a particular geological heritage and a sustainable territorial development strategy. It must have clearly defined boundaries and sufficient surface area for true territorial economic development.
It must comprise a certain number of geological sites of particular importance in terms of their scientific quality, rarity, aesthetic appeal...
But a Geopark is not a “geological park” and it has also to consider sites relevant from natural and cultural (tangible and intangible) heritage.
A Geopark has an active role in the economic development
of its territory through enhancement of a general image linked to its heritage. It has a direct impact on the territory by influencing its inhabitants’ living conditions and environment. The objective is to enable the inhabitants to reappropriate the values of the territory’s heritage and actively participate in the territory’s cultural revitalization as a whole.
The Global Network of Geoparks
At the end of 2011, the Global network of Geopark (GGN) is componed by 87 territories and structurated inside regional network:
- European Geopark Network created in 2000 (49 Geoparks)
- Asian-Pacific Geopark Network created in 2006 (35 Geoparks)
To know more about Geoparks